Monday, May 16, 2011

Tracking bugs in external code

If you're using any external code (open source, closed source or external web service) then you probably had situations that the code had a bug and you had to find a workaround for this bug.

Usually this kind of workaround is ugly and results in a piece of code of bad quality.

Chances are that one day the author of the code will fix it. (Obviously you can help if it's an open-source library). It would be great to improve the ugly code when a new versions of the library fixes the bug.

When I was working with the Resolver team I have learnt a useful technique for tracking whether the bug was fixed and for improving the "bad code".

Let's imagine a simple example -  we use an external library called OpenSourceMath which (among other things that we use) provides:

OpenSourceMath::Calculator.complicated_stuff(x, y)

We then find out that this method doesn't work correctly for some arguments. It means we have to write some of our own logic in order to finish the task.

We do the following steps:

1. Write a unit test that exposes the bug, it fails

assert_equal 10, Calculator.complicated_stuff(5, 5)

2. Change the assertion so that the test passes only when the bug exists.

assert_not_equal 10, Calculator.complicated_stuff(5, 5)

3. Write a comment to this test explaining which part of the production code is a workaround for this bug.

assert_not_equal 10, Calculator.complicated_stuff(5, 5)
# fix the code in app/models/order.rb:50-55

4. Try out a new version of the library.
5. If the bug has been fixed the test should fail.
6. Read the comment.
7. Fix the production code so that it now uses the library without workarounds.
8. Change the "bug test" so that it now fails when the bug exists. (optionally remove the test)

This way it's quite easy to track the bug fixes in any external code and be able to remove the workarounds.

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