My first approach was to find a pure Ruby library and use it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any good one. No luck with any Python module either. I didn't want to use .Net platform in this case, but I did a quick google search with no good results...
The last hope was the Java platform. This time I was lucky and found Chesspresso. A quick test proved that the library is mature, exposes a very nice API and is actually very fast.
Even though I have a lot of experience with Java language, I don't fancy implementing my projects in statically typed languages. I find Ruby or Python much more readable and testable.
My choice is now clear - JRuby.
- Install JRuby.
- Download Chesspresso.
- Prepare a PGN file.
- You can download one from here:
- Unzip it.
- Start 'jirb -I.' (assuming the Chesspresso-lib.jar is in the same directory).
include Java
require 'Chesspresso-lib'
include_class 'chesspresso.pgn.PGNReader'
pgn_reader = 'twic675.pgn'
while game = pgn_reader.parse_game do
if game.white.include?('Shirov')
puts game
- The output in my case is:
Shirov,A - Naiditsch,A 1/2-1/2 (2007.10.08)
Shirov,A - Almasi,Z 1-0 (2007.10.09)

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