Saturday, December 19, 2015

The perfect blogging platform for developers - what is it?

I've been using many blogging platforms so far and each of them is dev-friendly at something while suck at something else. This post is here to help me visualise the perfect combination.

Before I go into features, I want a tool which is simple and without any pain, without anything to learn and remember. It must be optimized for the develoer workflow - creating new drafts should be easy, publishing should be easy. It should be code-oriented.

  • I want to be able to easily embed my just made screenshots (with shift-cmd-ctrl-4), as it's possible at Blogger, without any effort - just cmd-v to paste it (wysiwyg)
  • I like the simplicity of markdown and want to be able to use it sometimes, as in nanoc/GH pages
  • I want to have the post look pretty without any additional effort - medium has it OOTB, custom blogs have it after all the styles applied 
  • medium has a cool title inventor
  • I want to add fixes quickly and see them live immedietally (like in Blogger, unlike the statically generated blogs)
  • none of the platform satisfies me with the pre-blog phase - drafts, notes gathering etc
  • nanoc forces me to come up with some title and it generates the date
  • no special support for drafts in nanoc, but we can fake it
  • publish schedule is sometimes cool
  • Blogger has it OOTB
  • I love to use iaWriter-like tools, so desktop apps when work on longer posts
  • markdown makes it easy
  • Some kind of Slack integration would be cool (Slack driven posts)
  • team collaboration is important - allow others to fix typos, edit anything
  • IDE integration is crucial - I want to move some code snippets easily as new drafts/posts
  • embedding code should just work with syntax coloring
  • auto-promotion of blogposts would be cool, like with Medium - they distribute your posts magically bringing you some traffic


Even though, there's no perfect blogging platform, yet - there are still techniques which can help you blog more in less time. 

During a limited time, you can buy my "Blogging for busy programmers" book with a 30% discount (coupon: HOLIDAYSALE2015 )

mutant and minitest within a Rails application

2015 was the year of mutation testing for me. Luckily, thanks to the effort of Markus Schirp, the Ruby community has the mutant tool.

In short - mutant is totally "production"-ready and may help you code with more confidence, by testing your tests.

What mutant does is it parses your code, builds the Abstrax Syntax Tree and then it makes some mutation, like changing true to false. After that it runs the tests. If the tests still pass, then you have an alive mutant and it's bad.

When it comes to details, mutant supports rspec. Rspec is usually the testing framework of choice for many Ruby devs (or maybe Rails devs?). While I see the value of RSpec, I'm also sceptical about the additional layers of abstractions.

In short - I'm not a fan of rspec. However, I'm a fan of mutant and that was a more important thing to me than using minitest. At Arkency, we've even had situations that projects switched from minitest to rspec, "because mutant".

As for December 2015, there's a pull request which has the minitest integration. It's not released yet, though. So, if you want to use it, you need to use this particular branch.

How do you make it work with a minitest-based Rails app?

Add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'mutant', git: "git://", branch: "feature/minitest-integration"

Now if you try to run mutant with a controller test (as an example) by:

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec mutant -r ./config/environment -I test --use minitest FuckupsController#index

, you will probably see this error:

undefined method `cover_expression' for FuckupsControllerTest:Class (NoMethodError)

(and yes, I do have a project with a controller called FuckupsController)

The thing with the minitest integration is that you need to be more explicit with what the test is actually testing. This helps mutant to understand what it needs to run.

I had to add this to the top of the FuckupsControllerTest:

class FuckupsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  def self.cover(expression)
    @expression = expression  end
  def self.cover_expression    unless @expression      fail "Cover expression for #{self} is not specified"    end
    @expression  end
  cover 'FuckupsController'

In the later steps, I'll move it to some base class and make all the tests inherit from that. In that case, you just need to be explicit with the "cover 'Foo'" thing.

Now, when I run the same command:

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec mutant -r ./config/environment -I test --use minitest FuckupsController#index

I get a nice report like:

Mutant configuration:
Matcher:         #
Integration:     Mutant::Integration::Minitest
Expect Coverage: 100.00%
Jobs:            4
Includes:        ["test"]
Requires:        ["./config/environment"]
Subjects:        1
Mutations:       60
Kills:           60
Alive:           0
Runtime:         11.03s
Killtime:        24.06s
Overhead:        -54.17%
Coverage:        100.00%
Expected:        100.00%
Active subjects: 0
Mutant configuration:
Matcher:         #
Integration:     Mutant::Integration::Minitest
Expect Coverage: 100.00%
Jobs:            4
Includes:        ["test"]
Requires:        ["./config/environment"]
Subjects:        1
Mutations:       60
Kills:           60
Alive:           0
Runtime:         11.03s
Killtime:        24.06s
Overhead:        -54.17%
Coverage:        100.00%

Expected:        100.00%

In short it says, that the FuckupsController#index action is 100% mutation-covered.

The minitest integration is not officially released for good reasons. Not many projects were tested with it. You can contribute by trying it on any of your minitest code and see if it works.
All feedback welcome at ot feel free to ask/comment here and I'll pass it along to the mutant team.


PS. We now have sale on our Arkency books - - get a 30% discount with the HOLIDAYSALE2015 coupon. One of the books is about refactoring Rails controllers which is a perfect fit for the mutation testing idea.